How to use Aqua-Guard Alliance Products

Alliance ElaBORATE

  1. With the pump running continuously, add 2 kg ElaBORATE per 10,000L of pool water by slowly pouring the product into the skimmer.
  2. Add product in 3 separate doses, and let the water circulate 1-2 hours after each application.


Be sure to test your borate levels monthly to maintain a reading of 30 – 50 ppm.


Alliance Zinc Pucks

  1. Fill the chlorinator with the recommended weekly dosage of zinc pucks and adjust the flow rate of the chlorinator according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. Check the chlorinator twice weekly and refill it as needed.


Be sure to test your chlorine levels once or twice weekly to maintain a reading between 1.0 – 3.0 ppm. The amount of Zinc Pucks required depends on the pool size, bather loads, and weather.


Alliance Soft Shock

  1. Ensure the pump is in operation.
  2. Add one pouch per 50,000L by broadcasting directly onto the surface of the pool’s deep end. Apply weekly as part of regular maintenance.


Be sure to test your chlorine levels weekly to maintain a reading between 1.0 – 3.0 ppm.


This chart will help you determine how much of each product you need based on the size of your pool:

Pool Volume

Zinc Pucks (weekly)

Alliance Soft Shock (weekly)

Alliance ElaBORATE Initial Dose


1-2 tabs

1 pouch

2 Kg


1-2 tabs

1 pouch

4 Kg


1-2 tabs

1 pouch

6 Kg


2-3 tabs

1 pouch

8 Kg


2-3 tabs

1 pouch

10 Kg


2-3 tabs

2 pouches

12 Kg


3-4 tabs

2 pouches

14 Kg


3-4 tabs

2 pouches

16 Kg


3-4 tabs

2 pouches

18 Kg


4-5 tabs

2 pouches

20 Kg